Why is it so difficult to start blogging?

Geschrieben | März 23, 2010 | No Comments

To be honest with myself: it took me a long time to start my first article for my own blog. It’s a long time since I opened up my account now. The design was ready as well – in case I would really start one day. But nothing happend, although everything was well planned and I was prepared. Then I started to ask myself questions why I never ever started.  I found out that one reason was probably my past experience with multinationals  I worked with. At that time I was used to the habit that every single statement had to be approved by the communication departments.  My in-built critic – looking at Walt Disney’s method – was really strong and not always useful.

A second reason was my fear of becoming as transparent as I have never been before. What happens, if… ?

Maybe the one or the other can understand my resistance to start blogging now. Unfortunately there are no excuses any longer not to blog.  Somehow a little bit of a pity. Nevertheless it was helpful to have had this little excuse . I gues it will be pretty hard work to write blogs on a regular base about me, my offer and what I believe in regarding HRD.


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  • Anke van Bebber

  • Wer bin ich | Who I am

    Ich bin Beraterin, Trainerin & Coach und spezialisiert auf nachhaltige Personalentwicklung mit dem Fokus, Lernen und Arbeiten miteinander zu verzahnen. Mein Ziel ist es, Entwicklung in Ergebnisse zu transferieren.


    I am consultant, trainer & coach specialized on sustainable HRD. I focus on achieving business results via combining learning and working.