Professional Experience 

Consultant, Trainer & Coach (2008 – today)

  • Communication and leadership related to Customer Services, Selling and
    Sales units
  • Negotiations for executives, within Sales and Procurement
  • Conflict handling, project management, leadership and management
  • Team coaching
  • HR Development & Recruitment incl. executive development & corporate learning
  • Organizational development and change management

Senior Expert – Human Resource Development  (2007)
Axel Springer AG, Berlin – Germany

  • Design of a future talent management process and of programs for
    Executives (leadership guidelines)
  • HR Marketing 

Senior Expert – Corporate Executive Development (2005 – 2007)
Deutsche Post World Net, Bonn – Germany

  • Design and implementation of Corporate Executives Programs
    (e.g. ‘Leadership Bridge’ – Top Management Global Forwarding)
  • Set up & management of DPWN University
  • Program manager for the International Business Leadership Program
    ( and PrimeTime targeted at Executives, headquartered
    in Bonn incl. online solutions for nomination and application processes
  • Preparing & facilitating Management Panels (talent management process) 

Senior Consultant, Service Branch HR Development (2004 – 2005)
Deutsche Post World Net, Bonn – Germany

  • International Project Manager (Group wide projects, e.g. ‘Fit 4 Procurement’, ‘House of Finance’)
  • Organizing and managing language trainings for all BU’s in Germany
  • Design, implementation and execution of programs
  • Consultant on training needs analysis
  • Management of internal and external suppliers

Consultant & Trainer (2001 – 2004)
Cegos GmbH, Witten/ Paris

  • New Customer acquisitions
  • Project and account management (Germany and international)
  • Offers negotiation
  • Delivery of projects

HR Manager, Recruitment & Development (2001)
Dexcom GmbH, Düsseldorf – Germany

  • Recruitment of Sales Clerks and Sales Managers
  • Implementation of recruitment guidelines in Glasgow (parent company)
  • Establishment of New Training Platform  

HR Development Manager (1990 – 2001)
Sinn AG, SinnLeffers AG & Sinn Modehaus GmbH & Co. KG

  • Recruitment
  • Talent Management (including design of Leadership Programs)
  • Trainer (Business Acumen, Corporate Knowledge, Leadership Skills)
  • Developing and maintaining relationships with social partners and schools
  • Set up of branches as part of the local management team and as internal consultant


 DISC and Belbin, Germany (2011)

Trainer for stress management (S.I.T.), IEK Berlin (2011)

Business Coaching, Coatrain Hamburg (2009)

NLP Practitioner, Gevelsberg (2004)

Project Mangement (based on PMI), Gepros (2003)

Psycho-Social Counseling and Management, University of Hagen (1998 – 2000)

Learning of Adults, University of Kaiserslautern (1995 – 1997)

Training Diploma, CONECTA, Vienna (1993 – 1994)

Training supervisor for apprentices after the German Law
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Halle-Dessau (1992)

Higher Diploma in Business Administration, University of Cologne
as “Diplom-Kauffrau”  (1984 – 1990)

Language Skills

  • German: Mother tongue (C2)
  • English: near mother tongue (C1)
  • French: Basic (B1)
  • Farsi: Basic (B2)
  • Anke van Bebber

  • Wer bin ich | Who I am

    Ich bin Beraterin, Trainerin & Coach und spezialisiert auf nachhaltige Personalentwicklung mit dem Fokus, Lernen und Arbeiten miteinander zu verzahnen. Mein Ziel ist es, Entwicklung in Ergebnisse zu transferieren.


    I am consultant, trainer & coach specialized on sustainable HRD. I focus on achieving business results via combining learning and working.