My Projects

  • Selling on shop floor level – Training sales clerks how to sell and their supervisors how to coach them. This connected with mystery shopping to gain personal experience and let them experience the outside-in perspective.
  • Qualification of new sales clercs – role, small talk, negotiating and convincing the customer at the POS
  • Leverage sales via trainings concentrating on relationship management, gaining new customers and conflict handling for employese and their supervisors for a public authority
  • Change Management – Workshops for sales teams with the aim to improve the structures, processes and individual competencies mid- and longterm for a public authority
  • Promotion of sales acitivities on a regional level to close buisness gaps regarding structures, processes and individual competences – for a public authority to become more sales and customer orientated
  • Sales Through Service Excellence – identifying sales options via service engineers (in English)
  • Launch of new products – theoretical inputs followed by calling real clients during the training session and peer coaching.
  • Training of negotiating skills – for an energy provider (target group: sales department)  and for a buying department of white goods
  • Finding future customers – Workshops with sales departments to identify future sales opportunities and markets

Leadership & Communication

  • Training of leadership and communication skills – for newly assigned executives and as part of a systematic talent development in retail and a company offering laboratory techniques
  • Launching appraisal interviews – starting with town hall meetings followed by workshops regarding the rational, the cause amd how to do it for employees and supervisors for an energy provider a climatechnique provider and a bottler
  • Team building when opening up new branches in retail
  • Business Driven Action Learning – Elaborate real tasks of the corporate management given to the participants as the underlying theme of a session.  Focal point were customer visits in smaller groups of participants to achieve an outside-in view – resulting in an action plan for the company at the end of the session  (in English)
  • Recruiting – qualification of executives to deal with interviews, employment law, required competences of applicants and internal processes
  • Anke van Bebber

  • Wer bin ich | Who I am

    Ich bin Beraterin, Trainerin & Coach und spezialisiert auf nachhaltige Personalentwicklung mit dem Fokus, Lernen und Arbeiten miteinander zu verzahnen. Mein Ziel ist es, Entwicklung in Ergebnisse zu transferieren.


    I am consultant, trainer & coach specialized on sustainable HRD. I focus on achieving business results via combining learning and working.